Amazing grape, how sweet thy taste

grape in May

The vine in May

While checking the progress of this summer’s grapes, I recalled a pie from last summer. I had posted a photo of my grape vines on facebook and Rolf Maxa, a member of the Rochester Woodworkers, asked whether I was going to make grape pie. I had never heard of grape pie (though I have seen it on plenty of diner menus since then), so Rolf sent me a recipe.

The first step was to peel the grapes, or as the recipe says, “slip” their pulp out of its skin. I did this by squeezing each grape between my fingers and extracting the pale whitish-green fruit.

grape peeling

The pulp gets cooked, then strained; I strained out the seeds using the same food mill I use for persimmons.

grape processing

This process produced a lot of juice.

Next came the crust, with its 18 Tablespoons of butter.

(No wonder the pie was so delicious!)

grape pie crust making

The pie emerged from the oven in tantalizing, buttery glory.

grape pie finished

We served the pie warm with freshly whipped cream.

grape pie

It was even better the next day, eaten cold: intensely grapey.

grape in winter

The vine takes a well-earned rest each winter.

2 responses to “Amazing grape, how sweet thy taste

  1. What grape are you growing? Since it is doing well for you that would be helpful to those of us just starting grapes here in Southern Indiana.

  2. Jack, I wish I knew the name of this grape and the other one that does well. Unfortunately I don’t remember the names, and I bought them so long ago that I no longer have the tags. I think they probably both came from May’s. Both turn purple when ripe, and both are sweet table grapes with seeds.

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